March 4, 2025


Patricia Nigg
210 2nd Ave Ste 204
PO Box 68
Ipswich, SD 57451
Phone: 605-426-6801
Email: [email protected]

The Treasurer is a collector of taxes and has the duty to receive all money belonging to the county from whatever source (taxes, fines, etc.).

The Treasurer maintains accounting records and is responsible for county fund investment. The Treasurer and Auditor work in conjunction to pay county bills.

The County Treasurer is responsible for issuing motor vehicle registrations and licenses along with reporting them to the SD Division of Motor Vehicles.

The Treasurer is also responsible for recording all liens, canceling liens, and duplicate titles.


South Dakota License renewal schedule:
Registration on commercial, non-commercial, trailers, motorcycles, snowmobiles, and boats are done on a staggered licensing system based on the first letter of the owner’s last name or in the case of a business on the beginning letter of the business’ name. Renewal months are as follows:

January A, B
February C, D, E
March F, G, J
May H, I, O
June K, L
July M, N
August P, Q, R
September S
November T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Licenses are renewable up to 90 days before assigned month. Please bring registrations or titles for each vehicle you wish to license.

When registering a vehicle you have recently purchased, please bring the SD drivers license or social security number of all individuals to be placed on the title.

Titles with open liens cannot be transferred. Liens are indicated on the front lower portion of the title, and can be released at the Treasurer’s office.

State of South Dakota Motor Vehicle Forms

Renew Vehicle Registration